6th Research Report for the Observatory of Children and Adolescence in the City of Lleida
Balsells, M.A., Coiduras J., Vaquero, E., Alegret, M., Adrover, A., & Aritzeta, C.

The sixth report on the situation of children and adolescence aims to understand the situation and evolution of the state of children and young people in the city of Lleida in the the years 2019-2020. This report intends to:

  • Analyze data related to the areas of education, health, culture, leisure, participation, and social services.
  • Contrast the data with the agents involved in child and adolescent care through a participatory discussion process, involving professionals from various fields, families, and the children and young people of the city.
  • Evaluate the recommendations and proposals from previous reports.
  • Make the report available to all entities or institutions in the city as a tool for analysis, reflection and global knowledge of the situation of children and young people in Lleida.

Years: 2019/20

5th Research Report for the Observatory of Children and Adolescence in the City of Lleida
Balsells, M.A.; Coiduras J.; Ballesté, J.; Adrover, A., Vaquero, E. Forné, M.A.

The fifth report on the situation of children and adolescents aims to know the situation and the evolution of the state of children and young people in the city of Lleida in the years 2017-2018. This report aims to:

  • Analyze data in the areas of education, health, culture, leisure, participation and social services.
  • Contrast the data with the agents involved in child and adolescent care through a participatory discussion process.
  • Evaluate the recommendations and proposals of previous reports.
  • Make the report available to all entities or institutions in the city as a tool for analysis, reflection and global knowledge of the situation of children and young people in Lleida.

Years: 2017/18

4th Research Report for the Observatory of Children and Adolescence in the City of Lleida
Balsells, M.A.; Coiduras J.; Ballesté, J.; Adrover, A., Vaquero, E. Forné, M.A.

The third report on the situation of children and adolescents aims to know the situation and evolution of the state of children and young people in the city of Lleida in the years 2013-2014. This report aims to:

  • Analyze data in the fields of education, health, culture, leisure, participation and social services.
  • Contrast the data with the agents involved in the situation of childhood and adolescence through a participatory discussion process.
  • Specify perceptions, emerging needs and proposals for improvement in the fields of study.
  • Evaluate of the recommendations and proposals of previous reports.

Years: 2015/16

3rd Research Report for the Observatory of Children and Adolescence in the City of Lleida
Balsells, M.A.; Coiduras J.; Ballesté, J.; Adrover, A. & Vaquero, E.

The third report on the situation of children and adolescents aims to know the situation and evolution of the state of children and young people in the city of Lleida in the years 2013-2014. This report aims to:

  • Analyze data in the fields of education, health, culture, leisure, participation and social services.
  • Contrast the data with the agents involved in the situation of childhood and adolescence through a participatory discussion process.
  • Specify perceptions, emerging needs and proposals for improvement in the fields of study.
  • Evaluate of the recommendations and proposals of previous reports.

Years: 2013/14

2nd Research Report for the Observatory of Children and Adolescence in the City of Lleida
Balsells, M.A.; Coiduras J.; Ballesté, J.; Adrover, A. & Vaquero, E.

The second report on the situation of children and adolescents aims to know the situation and evolution of the state of children and young people in the city of Lleida in the years 2011-2012. So it aims to:

  • Analyze data for the fields of education, health, culture, leisure, participation and social services.
  • Contrast the data with the agents involved in the situation of childhood and adolescence through a participatory debate process.
  • Specify perceptions, emerging needs and proposals for improvement in the fields of study.

Years: 2011/12

1st Research Report for the Observatory of Children and Adolescence in the City of Lleida
Balsells, M.A.; Coiduras J.; Ballesté, J.; Adrover, A. & Vaquero, E.

Data published by governments and other international institutions on children and adolescents are an interesting reference on broad realities, nationally or internationally. Despite their opportunity and usefulness, they offer a limited view of the nearest realities such as the ones in Lleida city. Hence there is a need for micro-level approaches to know in more detail the well-being of citizens and children in particular. The decentralization of government powers and the approach of the municipal administration to the citizens means a great degree of municipal responsibility in the management of social spending. The efficient exercise of these faculties can only be based on studies that allow local governments to act locally in a more precise and informed way.

Years: 2009/10

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