On the initiative of the University of Lleida with the support of the Government of Catalonia’s departments of Economics & Knowledge, Education, and Health, the University of Lleida’s Board of Governors approved the creation of the Chair Education and Adolescence on 23 July 2015, in memory of Abel Martínez Oliva, a teacher at the Joan Fuster Institute secondary school.

During the Chair’s inauguration ceremony, Mr. Lluís Font, President of the School Council of Catalonia and professor at Ramón Llull University, and Roberto Fernández, Rector of the University of Lleida, delivered remarks in memory of Abel.

Lluís Font
President of the School Council of Catalonia
and professor at Ramón Llull University

Roberto Fernández Díaz
Rector of the University of Lleida

Read praise


The main functions of the Chair are to support research, training and knowledge dissemination in the field of education and adolescence. To fulfil these functions, the Chair aspires to be not only a space of academic reflection but also a powerful resource available to adolescents who grow and learn and acquire formal and non-formal education as well as to professionals who work in this field. In this regard, the Chair has identified four major attributes that permeate its identity and constitute the hallmarks of its functions:

Appicability of research

To change the academic frame of reference into a resource that improves the educational activities of adolescents.

Voice of adolescence

To identify and prioritize the needs of adolescents, involving them and encouraging them to become active participants in assuming their responsibilities in school.


Evidence-based practices

To contribute to the development of educational practices based on research.


Formal and non-formal education

To meet the needs of all educational settings during adolescence, which are the crucial backdrop and context for coexistence at this stage.



Aida Urrea
Aida Urrea Monclús
Member of the Chair


Robert Izquierdo Santaulària
Member of the Chair

Càtedra Educació i Adolescència Abel Martínez

Arnau Erta Majó 
Member of the Chair



The role of the Advisory Council is to define the Chair’s fundamental operational strategies and adopt the annual work plan and budget. It is composed of the director of the Chair, three people designated by the University of Lleida, two people designated by the Department of Education of the Government of Catalonia and one person designated by the Department of Health of the Government of Catalonia.

The Advisory Council was formed on 10 March 2016 with the following members:

Maria Àngels Balsells, director of the Chair;
Assumpta Estrada, as Secretary of the Council, with the right to speak but without a vote;
Carles Alsinet, Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Lleida.
Pere Amorós, Professor Emeritus at the University of Barcelona.
Joan Ballesté, head of the Socio-Educational Section of the City of Lleida’s Educational Service.
Salvador Carrasco,Professor of Sociology at the University of Barcelona.
Josep Pifarré, director of Mental Health Services at the Santa Maria University Hospital.
Josep Serentill,adjunct Education Inspector of Lleida.

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