The Chair aims to promote and foster the initial and ongoing training of young researchers in the subject of adolescents and education. It seeks to recognize the merits and talent of those students who have developed their final project (high schools, institutes, degrees) or master’s thesis on topics of high priority to the Chair.
This call for applicants aims to promote and shape the spirit of research in education and adolescence among university students. It aims to help students in their final semesters of bachelor’s or master’s degree studies launch their academic careers. It offers the opportunity to collaborate on research tasks within the research projects developed in the framework of the Chair.
The collaboration gives scholarship holders an opportunity to provide support and follow-up with regard to the specific tasks of the research projects and/or support the general operations of the Chair.
The members of the Chair Education and Adolescence guarantee both the scholarship holder’s training and the fulfilment of the activities assigned to them. Scholarship holders are supported and supervised at all times.
Solved calls announcements
Call announcement 2019 Screens Project (PDF) – SolvedCall announcement 2018-19 (PDF) – SolvedCall announcement 2018 UNICEF Project (PDF) – SolvedCall announcement 2017 UNICEF Project (PDF) – SolvedCall announcement 2017-2018 (PDF) – SolvedCall announcement 2016-2017 Projecte UNICEF (PDF) – SolvedCall announcement 2016-2017 (PDF) – SolvedCall announcement 2015-2016 (PDF) – Solved