Guide to Introducing the Child Protection Rights Approach in Schools
Balsells, M.A.; Alsinet, C.; Coiduras J. & Urrea, A.
The guide presented is a useful resource for education professionals who are in daily contact with children and adolescents. The objective of the guide is that they know and have resources to act in situations of vulnerability or risk in childhood and adolescence. The Guide gives guidance on how to define and work on child protection from a rights perspective. It shows how to apply the Convention on the Rights of the Child as an instrument that facilitates children’s well-being, in the same way as as a vehicle for the operation of the center that encourages the participation of children in their development and in their self-protection.
Presence of the Rights of the Child and Global Citizenship in the degrees of Teaching and Social Education at the Spanish University. Identification and assessment of study plans
Balsells, M.A.; Alsinet, C.; Coiduras J. & Urrea, A.
This report contains the analysis of the study plans and teaching guides for the 2014-2015 academic year of the degrees of teaching in early childhood education, teaching in primary education and social education of 36 Spanish universities in relation to the current degree of inclusion of related content with the rights of childhood and adolescence. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected from the type of subject, its objectives, competences and contents. In turn, explicit data on the presence of the concept of children’s rights were taken into account, as implicit data that could be related to it. The data revealed the global perspective of the degrees regarding the incorporation of children’s rights in the university study plans analyzed. It is concluded that the presence is very scarce and confirms the need to incorporate this approach in the faculties of education. For this, recommendations are given to promote and facilitate the incorporation of the rights of children and global citizenship in the faculties of education.
Evaluation research project (2014-15): Promotion of the curricular integration of education for development in the Spanish educational system
Balsells, M.A.; Coiduras J.; Alsinet, C. & Urrea, A.
This report presents the Self-Assessment Guide on Children’s Rights prepared by UNICEF – Spanish Committee and the results of the evaluative research on the materials, the process, its implementation and the results of this in order to improve the model. The guide is
a tool for educational centers to carry out a group reflection exercise on their practices related to the application and monitoring of children’s rights. It reflects on 4 areas of application: education in children’s rights, child participation, child protection and school climate. The results presented evaluate the results of the application of the guide and explore the degree of incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child both in the teaching practice and in the speeches of the different agents represented in the school councils. The conclusions add recommendations for the improvement of the application of the Self-Assessment Guide and the subsequent monitoring of the improvement proposals diagnosed.
Children’s Rights and Education for Development. Needs analysis of the education system
Balsells, M.A.; Coiduras J.; Alsinet, C. & Urrea, A.
This research report answers the questions that UNICEF – Spanish Committee wants to solve before designing a proposal to incorporate the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and Education for Development in the educational context. To do this, the possibilities are diagnosed and barriers to school organization, the training needs of each of the groups represented in the school councils related to the CRC are identified; and emerging ideas are collected that serve to introduce the CRC in the organization of educational centers. The qualitative research was developed through discussion groups distributed throughout the Spanish territory and had the participation of students, teachers, parents and other people related to the educational task in these centers.